Enchanted Make Believe, where imagination meets reality!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Im still here:)

Just reallllly busy with the princess Y! Her big sister has gone and left us and we are really lost lol. I am so spoiled by the help that she is when she is around, so when she is away visiting family its really tough on me LOL. Its 29 degrees here in florida can you imagine lol, we might get snow in the am lol. Should be interesting either way! Holidays here were uneventful, but nice and quiet non the less. I feel so bad for neglecting this blog, so much has happened in our daily lives and I was hoping to document it, but seems when I log in something pulls me away , usually Y lol. She is such an active and spirited almost 3 year old. Her personality is that of a 13 year old lol, but im working on us co creating some calmness, hope she is willing ;) . I have also ventured into creating things for kids to sell, hopefully that will pick up as I did start it at the slowest time of the year lol. Always like that you know, such a great thing lol. ok, till next time blogger land
light and much love